Tuesday, August 01, 2006


it's the d-EIGHT-y day count down for the new ten point two Nikon. Your D100, D70, D50 are all obsolete. Upgrade now. Get on the lists. You just might get this beast before you'll ever see your 18-200 lens.

ps. yeah, it's been another year. how many shots have you made?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

take five

so it's been almost a year since my last post, not a bad water-break. I went to take five and decided a year was more appropriate. Speaking of 5, Canon's got the big digital hand curled into a tight-lipped fist. No one knows what's coming next, or maybe it is that rumored 5D. 12-megapix, full frame sensor.

take five and talk amongst yourselves. i'm outta breath.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Learn to Wipe

Spending too much damn time retouching your images cuz you got a dirty ccd? Conisder it like flossing: at some point it needs to be done—and either the dentist can do it, to the tune of $$$, or you can you can do it for a few coins on the buck.

First, you need supplies: I use Eclipse Solution & Sensor Swabs made by Photographic Solutions. Eclipse runs about $8.00 and the swabs run about $48.00. Sound expensive? Send it back to the manufacturer or local repair shop and you just spent $50.00 for one cleaning. With 1-pack of Swabs you can get about 4-8 cleanings.

Second, are you using Canon or Nikon? If you're using Nikon, you're going to have to kick out some cash for the (required) AC adapter in order to clean your sensor. Nikon doesn't want you poking a swab in their camera's eye, but have no fear once you have the AC adapter, it's simple and (relatively: if you do it right) harmless.

Canon, on the other hand doesn't require an AC adapter, so you can scrub with well-juiced batteries. A definite plus+ for Canon, because when you're in the field, who the hell has AC power?

Go get your supplies and next time we'll teach you how to wipe.

Monday, September 27, 2004


I'm sure the latest news from Adobe will rub some digi-cam manufacturers RAW. Adobe has proposed a new file format, called DNG—Digital Negative, that I'm sure isn't merely a proposal, but an offer they can't refuse.

What Adobe is implementing is a file standard similar to JPG. RAW files produced with this new standard would then be tagged with a .dng file format that wouldn't require manufacturer's software for processing.

It does make sense. There is nothing worse than having NEF, CR2, 3F file formats and have to use different pieces of software to view, process & print.

DNG or die. Resistance is futile.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

16 high and rising

It is official. The EOS IDs MARK II: 16.7mp, full-frame, 4fps, wireless capacity. Ouch, for Nikon.
This would now be the time for ad placement, the one shot by Christian Witkin for Canon of Agency VII that says it all: We Kick Ass.

Friday, September 17, 2004

[fingers tented] EXCELLLENT!!!!

I can imagine the bosses at Canon are sitting there, with the fingers pitched-fork like Montegomery Burns of the Simpsons, waiting to drop their bomb.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


So it's official, Nikon's new D2x. No 16mp here, just 12 and some funky HighSpeedCropped mode, which allows you to have a D2h as well, with a few more pixels. Kinda funky. But what's more crazy is, what? The F6?

Who the hell in their right mind is going to spend $2000+ on a film camera in this day and age. I understand Leica, but Nikon spending precious R&D on a damn film camera that will sell few. Unbelievable.

Folks, Nikon doesn't make their money on a high-end film camera. They make it on the little point & shoot crappix cameras and other pies they've got their pinkies in.

It's decisions like these that break companies, and I can tell you first hand, Nikon is putting pressure on it's people to produce. Hopefully, you're not one of them.

((((((((((((((((((still shaking my head))))))))))))))))))))))))))))