Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Learn to Wipe

Spending too much damn time retouching your images cuz you got a dirty ccd? Conisder it like flossing: at some point it needs to be done—and either the dentist can do it, to the tune of $$$, or you can you can do it for a few coins on the buck.

First, you need supplies: I use Eclipse Solution & Sensor Swabs made by Photographic Solutions. Eclipse runs about $8.00 and the swabs run about $48.00. Sound expensive? Send it back to the manufacturer or local repair shop and you just spent $50.00 for one cleaning. With 1-pack of Swabs you can get about 4-8 cleanings.

Second, are you using Canon or Nikon? If you're using Nikon, you're going to have to kick out some cash for the (required) AC adapter in order to clean your sensor. Nikon doesn't want you poking a swab in their camera's eye, but have no fear once you have the AC adapter, it's simple and (relatively: if you do it right) harmless.

Canon, on the other hand doesn't require an AC adapter, so you can scrub with well-juiced batteries. A definite plus+ for Canon, because when you're in the field, who the hell has AC power?

Go get your supplies and next time we'll teach you how to wipe.


At September 29, 2004 at 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading over your blog and like your insights. I am new to photography and would like to see you post some of your images as well.



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