jpg or raw
ask yourself this question when trying to decide whether to shoot jpg or raw: are these crap photos? or are they important?
if they're important shoot raw. if they're not shoot jpg.
I know, all of your pretty pictures are important. Well, out of the thousands and thousands of photographs that sit on my HardDrives and pages & pages of ClearFile stacked boxes upon boxes, there are only a handful that truly define important in my archive.
Raw requires post-processing that offers you more control over than a typical jpg.
99.9% of the people I show a print made from a "RAW" file vs a JPG cannot tell a difference.
You be the judge. Do you like to work on the computer and are a control freak like A.Adams? Shoot RAW. If not shoot JPG
RAW= More post-processing, more storage space, more time, greater control.
JPG= Faster processing, less storage space, less time, so-so control.
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