Monday, August 30, 2004


Ok, if you've got $1500 layin around, go to your camera store NOW and see if a handful of cash will put you at the top of food chain when the 20D starts to arrive. I got my grimey fingers all over one today (remember, I'm connected) and yowza, Canon knows how to create some great product.

I'm not going to tell you specs and numbers, there are other sites for that. But I am going to tell you that the camera feels great in the hand (unlike that $5000 dollar Kodak DCS ?n) and when you stand on the shutter, it fires. It's like that gay pink bunny bangin on his drum, it just don't quit. Well after about 5 seconds it will slow. But how many times do you need to fire off an entire roll in the span of a yawn?

If you're a Pro, it's a great compliment to what should already be in your bag: 1D Mk2 or 1Ds.
If you're not a Pro, it should be in your bag if you are serious about photography and want a great dSLR camera.

I've got a few friends who purchased the 10D more recently, and I can tell you they're pissed. But that's the way it is with this digital nonsense.

Take this advice: Befriend you're local camera flunky, if he's worth his salt, he'll take care of you. You'd be surprised at what a 12-pack of good beer will get you in return. Remember biz is about relationships, and the stronger they are, the better off you'll be when you want the latest & greatest, NOW.


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